Monday 18 June 2018

Sometimes the beginning are very difficult

Before I start, I want to say that is based on true story and that patience can be one of a keys in this situation.
On September 2017. I was plan my time to go to Crnomelj on 15.11.2017. Only think that I plant is to check visa and that's it. But the problems starts here. I got some kind of basic document that Slovenian embassy in Belgrade didn't accept and returning home to report my try. Also I need to wait a little bit longer, so I will come I little bit late. But their's another problem. My contact person was't serious looking on problems and some of document are late, even I was apply in Crnomelj for visa, I was wait till end of the year. So my project start's on 08.12.2017. not on 15.11.2017.
What is the keys of this situation:
- Patience and believing in project
- Working on some things like the project starts
- My mistake - don't pick up documents from police office in time
- Contact person mistakes - too lazy, not thinking about problems during the project preparations and to often changing some things and dates.
And here are some tips:
- Apply for European Voluntary Corps(European Voluntary Service doesn't exist from 01.01.2018.) long term projects before you be 30 years old, you will be in position to change some things and to pick another project if somethings doesn't go right
- If you have problems like I had, say to thus project goodbye, maybe you can find some other project that suits you and maybe organization thing a little bit of missed opportunities
- But if you really want to work with this organization like I want to do, patience and believing is a keys to project go in right direction.

So my project starts on 08.12.2017. What was happened and what was in front of me...

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